A river will carry, erode, and flow,
Canyon cutting into our fair planet;
The surface runs, but life is down below,
Among the moss, sediment, and granite.

Coming from mountains, rolling into seas,
Gathering, filling, moving down the track;
Rampaging, easing, slowing to a freeze,
The winter solstice with its thermal lack.

Wanting to live, and grow, and thrive, and breed,
Life-giving fluid slows along the bank;
Beasts coming down to swim, and bathe, and feed,
Gentler creatures remember where they drank.

Rain splashing down, a river, creeks will find,
Violence of water soothes an anxious mind.

A sinner saved by grace. I live in Boise, Idaho, USA where I mow lawns, run a nonprofit, and write poetry.