A Christmas Gift

Poem by Doc Dalton

They talk about the presents, that were under the tree

And What Gifts did she get, or Gift’s did he

And those stores, they were jammed all day long

For a Christmas whose meaning, is lost and so very wrong

People rushing by so quickly

Not knowing where to go 

Oh, how I miss my special Christmas’s

From so many years ago


Like Christmas Eve dinner by Grand Ma’s

That was special in so many ways

And family gathering around on Christmas Day

A tradition so special, it should never ever end


Like children singing Christmas carols

While snow falls from a moon lit sky

If you close your eyes and listened real hard

You swear, you can hear old Saint Nick flying by


The smiles on people’s faces

And the sparkle in their eyes 

Oh Yes, it was the Holiday season

To this, you couldn’t deny


Like the greeting of a neighbor

Or the helping of a friend

For those who are less fortunate

Whose troubles have no end


Like showing kindness to a stranger

Or giving a toy to a child in need

A hug, a kiss, or just a simple pat on the back

Is all one might truly need 


To share a special moment

With someone that you love

To watch a child’s eye’s light up a room

Cause Santa dropped in from up above


To give thanks to the Lord

For all that he has given you

For those moments when you needed him

And he came shining through just for you


To give your friends the most special gift

By letting them know how much you really care

By asking the Lord to Love and protect them

And doing this through the Gift of Prayer

People no longer understand the meaning of Christmas

For it’s the birth of Jesus Christ, that’s what it’s truly all about

Our Lord, who gives you his eternal love

A love, that you should never doubt 

But on this Christmas, I am truly blessed 

For the Lord has shown me kindness that has no end

He’s given me Faith, Hope and Love

And most of all, he’s given me you, as a Friend

So my dear friend, I am giving you a Precious Gift

To let you know, just how much I really care

I am asking the Lord to Love and Protect You

And I am doing this, through the gift of Prayer


And when our day has come

And our paths may never cross again

Just know on every Christmas Day I will Pray for You

Because the Lord’s gift to me was you, as my Friend

Yes, times they are just so different now

Not like they were so long ago

Oh yes, I miss my Special Christmas’s

From so many years ago



The Depressed Poet comes from many years of suffering from Depression. While in the hospital for this a doctor suggested that I try my hand at poetry and that is where life changed for me. I wrote about things I never really thought of before like God, Jesus, Heaven and so on. I do not consider myself a great or good writer because, I am not. What I am is a man, who stumbles through his words, so he can make it through his days. I also host a podcast called, The Coffee and Prayer Series.