A Garden’s Birth

He lives through particles of frozen moments,

in stolen fragments of hope,

whispers of freedom come closer.

Strives against captivity, rises above negative forces,

aborts prejudices that question his motives,

wants his merits to stand alone.




A word that used to perpetuate fear,

callous his softened heart, softly speaks,

but loudly received into his thoughts.

Speaks faith among those whose faith can’t handle it,

despised for being positive,

he lies in the thickets of unkempt fields,

knowing it isn’t permanent.


Feels the pressure beat upon his structure,

but doesn’t break,

seen a couple storms in his day;

a few deaths that struck him,

some adversity that threatened to leave him in a rut,

but became better anyway.


Purposed for greater, bread crumb visions cleaved to,

received into his spirit,

its truth confirmed repeatedly in mouths of those

which once didn’t believe….

Friendships from those who began as enemies

scraping dust upon his shell,

no condemnations now,

just brains processing new memories.


An army forms into a fortress of faith

thawing the frozen moments,

hope grows from the soil,

good seed reaps a harvest a hundredfold….


Children play in the gardens,

no thoughts of the unkempt fields they once were,

a place where no one goes to prison.

Marshall Jones is a 42 year old man on a lifelong journey of bearing fruit for the Kingdom of God. The author with Jessica Jones of THE PRODIGAL SON, Marshall's Biography includes his almost 21 years life sentence incarceration. THE PRODIGAL SON, just published January 2024, They married November 1, 2022. Marshall is also author of "A RAVEN'S MEAL" (RoseDog Books), a poetry collection, he aspires to target the grey areas and the people who are terribly misunderstood by society. Believing that everyone deserves a voice, he shares his testimony in his books and in their Red Granite Daily Devorionals (800 and counting). He also tries to use his gifting to share other people's experiences as well. Writing from the prison system that has now housed his body for almost 21 years, but also from the place that has been the catalyst to his freedom. As Jessica discovered in 2019, working as an employee in the Wisconsin correctional system, "Marshall lives more freely within the walls of that prison than any other person I’ve met in my life outside". Click on the YouTube Links below for these books and on the 'PUBLISHED WORKS' LINK FOR BOTH.