when the penny dropped, I immediately thought of Bad Penny Blues - see source below the poem - 1955 was well before decimilization in the UK

Bad Penny Blues

I have been stewing on the hampering stew1 for weeks now. Got into bed last night, and the penny dropped, so hauled out of bed to document it. The penny: ‘The stew’ LOVE the oneness they have at our expense, it’s their YADA they do not want to lose. November 2, 2021.


The penny dropped, the ghastly truth

I’ve been ransomed from before my youth

Almighty God’s enemy mimicked well

So sad, too bad that it leads to hell


All and everything’s created by HaShem

That’s the angelic and the creatures and man

Yeshua HaMashiah and Ruach HaKodesh

HaShem’s partners knew there’d be a mess


The primary issue is fellowship and oneness

That’s Our Triune God in their I AM fineness

As we’re not robots oneness includes man

But it’s availability is much more than ‘we’ can


There is a Covenant issue over-ruling all

Abram was there at I AM’s Cutting Roll Call

On The Cross Christ fulfilled that grace filled Cut

If we can’t see it we’ll be just another poor mutt


This Covenant has oneness fellowship in mind

Our physical yada here is nothing of the kind

I AM’s spiritual yada way higher than our ways

I can’t wait till I pass beyond these earthly days


So what we ask of these bad penny blues

To get it we gotta understand HaShem’s rules

Though I AM’s Supreme, and ‘wins’ in the end

Till then we’re ‘Their Players’ They want to send


But there’s obstacles, it’s those rebellious spirits

Thrown out of Heaven for trading past limits

The High Ones had Offices set up by HaShem

The satan they’re called who we’d like to condemn


They kept these offices despite all their sins

So they like to cosy up and befriend us wee yins

But way worse than that is we really like their stuff

Their comforts when HaShem treats us oh so rough


That’s what we think when we don’t know I AM

But we fall for their lies almost all of the time

For comfort we jump on these false refuges

Not realizing we’re bound to be life long refugees


Unbeknownst to us our ancestors are in play

It can be true even if we don’t fall for it today

Iniquity by our forebears carries on down

On their epigenetic’s and covenants we will surely drown


Did an ancestor make covenant with the satan’s spirit?

Then provided great comforts without any limit

The big issue here that almost no one knows

It’s a covenant of oneness with long legal toes


Can you have a oneness covenant with more than just one?

I don’t think I AM will let that ever be done

Our Triune God will never break Their’s with us

Satan’s spirit’s happy to help us say – God don’t fuss 


All our false refuges are all based on lies

We don’t first turn to God as we should when we cries

But there is more to these so bad old penny blues

We’ll soon get it –  our enemies can hardly lose


When we-start-seeing the huge trap, that-we-are-in

And we may often see or sense their ghastly grin

They mimic The Creator’s gifts and also Their promises

Refreshing our false refuges with tried and true harnesses


Our trip ups from the past and our ancestral links

Catering to our needs with a new round of drinks

But way worst than all that, they love our fellowship

It’s their yada for their pleasure that’s their mighty grip


Breaking their incentive’s is no easy matter

Identifying false refuges and all of their chatter

The only way is always turning first to The Christ

The alternative default, succumbing to their hellish heist. 

1hampering stew is my catch-all for the threshold spirits in my ancestral lines and in my life – you can learn much more from Anne Hamilton – see below


Bad Penny Blues,

By Humphrey and his Band

In 1955 this jazz number climber to # 19 on Britain’s Pop Top Twenty and stayed there for 6 weeks before falling back!!

It’s catchy – hope you catch this message. 

To learn more about false refuges, covenants and the enemy threshold spirits that like to woo and wed us, check out this book, by Anne Hamilton, the 4th book in this fantastically researched Threshold Series entitled  “Hidden In The Cleft – True and False Refuge’. Available at major online bookstores. Thank you Anne for waking me up.

Born in Scotland, lived in England, undeservedly married to Veronica, living in Canada. We have three daughters with wonderful families. An accountant by training, but a career mostly in Canada in varied business environments. After revelation about Our Triune God's Covenant and then retiring in 2014, I started writing poetry to try to understand the source of my childhood confusion and struggles since. The Lord's constant encouragement and love keeps drawing me to express my appreciation.