Two poems

The Listener

This is our story.

Our most desperate need today is not the accumulation of possessions

or the achievement of worldly successes.

Our basic needs are very few, and it takes little to acquire them.

We can survive on a small amount of bread and water

and inhabit the poorest of shelters.

We always have.

Our real need, our most pressing need, is for someone to listen to us

not as a patient, but as a human soul.

We need to ask someone why were we born? How will we live?

Why will we die? What happens beyond?

Who listens?

God listens, the Listener.

We have only to talk to Him.

Right now. Today. Tomorrow. Forever.

He understands our pleasures, our pains, our joys, our sorrows,

our sins, our crimes, our secrets, our terrors.

He will not turn you away if you are a sinner, the worst of sinners.

He has listened to us.

He will continue to listen.

While He listens we will solve our own problems.

Will he speak to us also?

If we ask Him to.

Will we hear His voice?

If we listen.


God Of The Impossible

Let me know God of the impossible.

With Him all things are possible.

The impossible is possible.

Impossible things do happen,

and with this knowledge I can produce a strong faith.

Cultivate my faith.

Conceive of greater and greater things occurring

because of my faith/.

Ponder bigger and bigger thoughts of faith.

Dream, reach for, and accomplish the impossible dream.

Stretch my mind further and further.

Think deep and far and high and wide.

Pray to God with all my heart, mind and spirit.

I can go as high as my faith, dreams thoughts, and prayers to God.

Break the bonds of my faults, limitations, and weaknesses.

Shatter the confines of the earthbound,

and soar the boundless infinity of heaven.

Go pass the point of no return.

Stretch my faith further and further.

My faith cannot be stretched further than God,

but my faith can stretch me to Him.

Stretch my faith to Him.

Let me know God of the impossible.

In the name of Jesus Christ.


I am a Christian writer who uses the gifts and hard work of writing to express my faith and to share messages about God with others. Writing to me is about creating messages about my experiences and the life we have in our relationship with God. Writing poetry for me began in 2004, when I was looking for a poem to send out for Christmas and I could not find anything suitable. As a result, I began to write Prayers to Jesus Christ, which was my very first poem. Then I began to write poetry about life, love, time, family, special occasions and other topics like gardening. God then inspired me with a desire to write about an inexhaustible topic, Him - His love, forgiveness, mercy, power, and His daily help and presence in our lives! The context of my writing is not limited to poetry alone, but also short stories. The creativity of writing is a necessity to me, as it allows me to express my relationship with God and to share my faith with people in order that their lives can be touched and transformed in a special way as they read the messages I have written. I pray that through my writings that God will be honoured through all that I write and that those who read my poetry will be touched by the hope Jesus brings into our lives.