Apr 10, 2018 7:00 pm sunset approaching.
Even in the mundane moments
Such as putting the garbage out
He oft delights and He woo’s us
With us His love He leaves us no doubt
This evening with blue box in hand
And a clear blue sky above me
God’s Snow flakes falling from above
Enchanting my heart toward Thee
Filling the air with love floaters
Silent, individualistic
Parachuting peaceful presents
That’s so much my key of music
There’s nothing aimless about them
As they drift direct from the Heaven
Target, an affair with my heart
Confirming my fractal at seven
The snow flakes gently stroked my face
Alighting in my thinning hair
Floating a path before my walk
Drawing my heart to my God so Fair
I dropped the blue box at the kerb
Crossed the road to the lake so dear
The stillness overwhelmed the air
The water, mirror crystal clear
The snowflakes now few still leading
Melt in watery perfection
Not even a ripple did they cause
Nor nix the sunset reflection
He’s here reminding me that He’s The Groom
His confetti promise yanking my design
My heart strings take a giant leap of joy
He knows just how to reach that heart of mine.
Jan 21, 2019
Pink’s now racing across the bay
And warming the snow covered ice
Just as the orange sunrise glow
Reflects from distant windows, nice
Now a fishing hut its target
Though it is twenty five below
And the crisp clear air enhances
As all these colours brightly glow
Earlier the yellow full moon
In the west almost black behind
In the east an acid light blue
That only God could have designed
This blue then rapidly changing
The chill and wind resisting
Then in the west the pink appeared
I’m so glad that I’m existing.
Lord God I’m so in awe of You
Majesty Magnificently
With You I’ll always rather be
You’re the best, the Best seriously.