Living as those made in Christ

meditating on Colossians 3: 1-17


I set my heart on things above

I’ve died to sin through perfect love

I shan’t desire those things now past

As I hunger for the love that lasts

For when I see him face to face

and bathe in his amazing grace

This wretched being filled with spite

I’m told that I shall be alike


With him! 


Oh wondrous joy to be

That I can serve eternally.


Yet my race is not quite done

Human faults that I must shun

malice, slander, curses, anger

delivered spoken with such rancour

transform the inners of my mind

words of truth my lips must find

Compassion, kindness, patience

To give my inner self renascence


And still!


Forgiveness as he doth forgive

No debts accrued to me shall live

The peace that he has bought for me

Must radiate for all to see

Songs on my lips, to him be praise

thankfully throughout my days.


David Davidson

23 February 202

CommenT: Jennie Starling June 22, 2022: A wonderful poem absolutely lovely. And, that voice! It makes the poem live.
Thank you David for sharing this.

I’m a 74 year old retired engineer who lives in County Down N. Ireland. I’m now a widower since 2018. I have two children and three grandchildren who all live in the same area. My poetry experience started when I realised I had a knack for amusing rhyming verses regarding people in the office etc. I was then in demand for retirement poems and wedding receptions. I was raised in a Christian home and came to faith at a young age. Like a lot of young folk I was tempted by worldly things. Although during this time I never forgot my commitment and prayed for forgiveness and read my bible when I could. During my wife’s long illness I determined to commit myself fully once more and I started to attend church services again. I have recently attempted to try and write poems that could help others in their faith although I’m far from prolific. My style is still simplistic and generally rhyming.