I set my heart on things above
I’ve died to sin through perfect love
I shan’t desire those things now past
As I hunger for the love that lasts
For when I see him face to face
and bathe in his amazing grace
This wretched being filled with spite
I’m told that I shall be alike
With him!
Oh wondrous joy to be
That I can serve eternally.
Yet my race is not quite done
Human faults that I must shun
malice, slander, curses, anger
delivered spoken with such rancour
transform the inners of my mind
words of truth my lips must find
Compassion, kindness, patience
To give my inner self renascence
And still!
Forgiveness as he doth forgive
No debts accrued to me shall live
The peace that he has bought for me
Must radiate for all to see
Songs on my lips, to him be praise
thankfully throughout my days.
David Davidson
23 February 202