Woke-up before the sunrise, I’m still drenched and covered in the dark,

Trying to find strength to face the day, with a hollow soul, and empty heart,

Finding two feet beneath me and those feet are ready to make a start,

 So I follow them as they carry me, down the street, towards my local park.


Through teary eyes I wonder…my stumbling steps not even seen,

Running from the emptiness, running frantic from emotional debris.

Every puppet on Earth posts their sin – that shame cannot be veiled,

Every string from Heaven then was cut, to give to us this mortal world.

But we dismissed…voided the call…shutdown ears and we turned away,

So as a whole – a kin, a species, we missed what The Lord had to say.


So, looking to the playground, and then gazing from upon the swing,

I am an adult, still a child in Christ, I sit down and kick up my feet,

I embrace the swing…the wind caressing me.


And, as I sit here, gently swinging, moving to and fro,

I ponder at this thing called “life” – its tides and trials that ebb and flo.

I look towards the see-saw, which, as real life, rides us up and down,

The round-a-bout, spins us in circles, going no-where but just round and round.

The climbing-frame looks daunting, as we stand at the bottom, looking up,

But gives different perspective, when we’ve scaled its heights and reached the top.


I wonder why God made us? Why….when all along He knew we’d fall,

Give in to base temptations, feel the lure and pull of selfish calls.

I ponder what’s the point of life? What lessons are there we must learn?

In order to be fit for Heaven, and not dwell where hellfire burns.


So, sitting in the sand and tan bark, looking up towards the skies,

I thank God for His guidance and for teaching us how to ride these rides.

Looking to the grassy field, I see so much new, innocent life,

Children kicking about the soccer balls, no sign of sin within their eyes.

It teaches me humility, it teaches me to strive for so much more,

It teaches to me, my life is not forgotten, and we were all sinless when we were born.

On the playground it becomes so clear…what a life and soul are for,

On the playground Christ’s children are free to frolic and play,

For His children bear no thorns.

The sun warms me as I watch them,

And as I watch, the true SON warms my soul,

I don’t ever want to leave this park,

Never want to let this feeling go.


I ponder why and when as adults, we turn to sin so readily?

Think we know better than the Lord – who creates and sustains everything!

Life used to be so simple…purer motivations…much more love,

No scepticism as kids… less greed…easier to be near God above.


I push much harder on the ground, and use my feet to move the swing,

I soar as far as I can reach, and wish I could touch Christ, The King,

But I am nowhere near the perfect skies of Heaven and its peace,

Trapped in the dirt of this world’s hurt, where struggles and pain never cease.

One day I’ll be in God’s playground – in Glory where there’s endless bliss,

His precious child…reborn…perfected, no more tears…nothing amiss,

Innocent and pure once more, like the children I see playing there,

In the field, right by this playground, with their laughing eyes and carefree air.


I thank the Lord for gifting hope, for Salvation through God The Son –

The only way that sinful chains and Satan’s grasp can be undone.

So I will do my best in life, and be encouraged everyday

In this earthly playground we call life, which rides us hard in many ways.

For throughout all the ups and downs, and each time we fall and get hurt,

God’s there to help and guide us, pick us up and dust off all the dirt.

Without Lord Jesus, we would find we’d just stay helpless, spinning round,

But in Him we have focus, and the promise of our Heaven’s crown.


A Collaboration between Michael Grgich (MAG) & Suzanne Newman in 2021

Michael Grgich Founder in 2015 of FAITH, HOPE, AND LOVE, a Facebook Poetry Group, and Suzanne Newman also an ‘Admin’ in the group since 2017, have collaborated in joint projects for a number of years. The have jointly published “Inspired By…” a poetic journey through some of the main points of the Bible, and additional poetic works. Here is a sample. See Published Works on our Resources page for more about their first book “Inspired By…”. We understand there is a second book in the works called “Kindred Spirits”