Poet Tree


When I hear the word, It’s quite absurd,

I think of the tree that Poets come from.

The Poet Tree.

But really? Do poets really grow on trees?

Can the words of a poet cure disease?

That seems a very strange thought ?

But words do stir and some may cure,

They mend a broken mind,

open the eyes of the blind,

They set the captives free, those words of


Grown on the Poet Tree.


Poets are born and then they grow,

then some their seeds do sow.

Their words are seeds, their words they


Their seeds they scatter all about.

Do you have doubt?

The scattered seeds one and all, they fall,

without a sound.

Fall silently, so quietly, then finally,

they hit the ground.

Some fall on stone, some land in thorns

and some the birds do eat.

But those that land in fertile soil,

will provide a treat and cause a heart to


And then another tree does grow,

from which abundant seeds do flow.

Words a flowing, they flow with rhyme.

Write a poem that blows your mind.

And then you find, in amongst the forest,

that special tree,

the Poet Tree. Release the blind,

the poet made a promise, the poet King


Or Adonai, He is Lord, He first spoke the



But the king of the poets, wasn’t grown on

a tree, didn’t come from the Poet Tree.

He was given to us as a gift from God,

sent down from Heaven high above.

He was given to us like seeds in a pod,

with grace, mercy and lashings of love.

Those lashings stripped the flesh from his

back, that greatest poet ever.

The lashings of love,

nails hammered with a thwack,

for you and the meekest beggar.

Didn’t grow on a tree, but on a tree He died,

wept and cried, crucified.


The poet King did set me free, as He hung

upon that Poet Tree.

Start reading Rhyme Time (2021 Edition) for free: https://a.co/bnZ3ht9

On the sixth day, God created mankind in his own image, therefore, he created creators! I have been creating for my entire life. Like many small children, I used to create and live out my own fantasies in play (often quite constructive and ingenious). Creativity has filled every corner of my working life, firstly in engineering, then construction, before settling into charity development and youth work. As a youth worker, I used creativity every day, but especially in helping to shape and form the lives of young people. It reminds me that God is the Potter, and he moulds and forms us all, just like clay (Isaiah 64:8). Now, in my latter years, I have returned to the storytelling of my youth, and I love to use all the skills and tools I have gained on my journey of life. I have over 40 years of experience in business and charity development, mainly in in three areas, income generation, communication, and governance. Though I do still offer advice in these areas, my passion is in communication and to communicate creatively and artistically in as many ways possible, but especially in poetry. The Book of Psalms in Rhyme, is perhaps the most exciting writing project that I have every been involved in and it is scheduled to be published in August 31 2021. As I started listening to God and working on this project, I felt God saying to me, "Everything else that you have done before now, was in preparation for this". All 150 of the Psalms were written to be sung out loud and that really is the best way to read this book, out loud. This rhyming translation I have written is accurate and extremely easy to read. A sample of them is presented here.