Spewed out of the mouth,
the N-Word bounced into the ears of my peers,
whose Black skin appeared to burn hot with anger….
The Sergeant’s reckless words became a wrecking ball,
confirming the existence of racism,
spoken without any fear of danger.
This stranger,
whose subliminal messages
masked in humor masked the truth, that to her,
we are nothing more than ”Niggers”.
Recalled dirty looks from faces of disgust,
committees of whispers as her back turned away from them,
shocked expressions as her boldness exposed her secret,
also exposed a harmful subculture.
Sadly witnessed feverish attempts to sweep this indiscretion
under the rug,
a community fused to taint the facts,
replaced facts to preserve her status and cover her bad acts,
no accountability with no cure.
How short are the memories of my younger brothers,
too self-absorbed to feel insulted,
holding no hurt as they spout off the same word she did,
no awareness for the brothers sacrificing favor to attack this injustice,
almost like it never happened….
Reflecting upon my struggle makes me reflect upon those
hung from trees,
beaten senselessly, buried in unknown graves,
lives only a memory.
Dr. King’s dream deferred, but strangely,
more White people are angry….
Makes me wonder…Why aren’t we?