Does God actually let evil days befall his people?
Is God aware of our temptations and trials?
Yes!! God knows all we’re going through, He allows it for a purpose (there are purposes beyond the knowledge of men).
Sometimes God allows it because He want’s to test our faith in Him.
He wants to know how much we Love Him.
He wants to know how faithful we are towards Him.
He wants to know how Long we can stand for Him.
Like what happened in Job 1:8-22;
In this Bible verse, God was so proud of Job because he was faithful to God. But satan doubted Job’s faithfulness to God, so God gave satan Authority over Job, to do all he wants with him, but shouldn’t touch his Soul (because he wants to know how faithful and righteous Job was).
Moral lesson; The story of Job is telling us that God knows all our troubles, He’s only keeping quiet because he wants to know how faithful we are. All you should do is to stand and wait on God like Job, when these storms are over, He will surely lift you up for the whole world to see.
My God help us in Jesus Name, AMEN!!!
Sometimes, God lets those Temptations and Trials come to us because we’re closer to our Breakthrough:.
The Bible told us that our Lord Jesus Christ lived almost 30 years and did no Miracles. Before He could start His Ministry, He passed through temptations and trials from the devil ( Matthew 4:1-11).
After He was tempted by satan He started his Ministry and the whole world then recognize and Celebrate Him…
I Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide us to the right path of God whenever we’re facing temptations and trials. Amen.