To some, they might think of Love,
An emotion, not a word!
Yet others never to experience it,
Or it’s very seldom heard.
Like a passionate yet stale love potion,
Or withered flower we keep.
A promise that is broken,
One should watch the words we speak.
Do we see Love in its entirety?
Or is it just a form of pleasure.
An act we hardly see,
Or a self seeking endeavor?
If we really want to understand,
How Love is supposed to be,
Read the Book of 1 Corinthians,
In the chapter of 13.
Patience, kindness, truth and trust,
As well as to persevere.
It doesn’t boast or envy,
And it does not live in fear.
With LOVE there is no transgression,
No angry rages,
But has an honest impression.
And even has its stages.
We can show Love,
Or we can make Love,
I believe we can seek Love!
That is because Like JESUS,
We can actually BE LOVE!!
Andrew James White
June 28/2022
6:00 am/CST